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Global Connection

Writer's picture: Maria T. HenriksenMaria T. Henriksen

We desire to reach our destinations quickly without any obstacles standing in our way. Many times our journey leads us to connect with people for whatever reason. Sometimes the paths we take seem windy, but we may not have another choice, especially with social distancing.

As a believer and writer, I feel it is important to be connected with those around the globe and to have insights on what's happening in different parts of the world. With the advent of technology, we are able to connect effortlessly. This is my tiny yet significant contribution to help others get connected.

Southern Nigeria- Intestine Road, Obudu Mountain Resort, Cross River State

Authors from Africa

Levy Mutasa Attached from the Zambia home front...

Hello fabulous people, I’m Levy Mutasa, author of The Heavens Gate, A Path to Eternity. I was born in Lusaka, Zambia. I became the first author to launch a book in my neighborhood and am working on my second book, Eliminating the Global System. Although we have been hit hard economically in the country due to COVID19 pandemic and social distancing, we are still confident things will get better allowing us to be able hold public meetings again to spread the Gospel.

In addition to being the author of The Heavens Gate, Levy Mutasa Attached is a poet and co-founder of the Floodwriters, a Christian youth organization based in Lusaka, Zambia. In 2017, Levy participated in a powerful mentorship course taught by Daniel Longwe, the spiritual son of Dr. Myles Munroe. This provided Levy with a broader understanding of book writing. He was also awarded a leadership certificate for successfully completing a class on leadership.

The Heavens Gate, A Path to Eternity

In this book, you will discover that it is necessary to understand that life is not in our hands. Everything we have belongs to God. We need to know God as He is. Accepting the path to eternity is the greatest decision one can make. When you take this journey, you need to get rid of what holds you captive, “addiction” which is defined as being occupied with or anything habitually or compulsively. As you live your life pursuing righteousness, you have to be aware of the Mediator who is the link to life everlasting through His word which has power over all. As you read through this book, you will find a greater faith that you desperately need. Faith itself can move you higher when you pray to the maker of the heavens and earth who hears you and keeps you on the right path, so you don’t succumb to addiction. Through all this, there is one person you need to trust; the Holy Spirit. This Spirit is the power of God who keeps you from this world’s deceptive work that makes one weak and bound. Through the process of breaking the chains of addiction, there will be many tribulations, forces against you that you will endure. Despite these trials, your life is sealed for eternal glory. Thus, the foundation to all this is being born of the Spirit.

"Freedom", A Poem by Levy Mutasa Attached

Hard pressed, squeezed to the wall, skin bruised.

Surrounded by wolves and beasts

Through the wide gate so broad yet destructive,

A mob bands together

to ruin and burn you to ashes.

They grab my property and make me pay for them

They enslave me to work long hours,

Blisters on my hands,

blisters on my feet.

They sing "joy..." and clap when I bleed.

When darkness was so deep on me,

Christ stepped forward,

All were amazed, "whose son is this?"

He grabbed my hand to save me

They gave way and restored what they took.

In my heart is everlasting peace.

In my life, freedom reigns,

Living in Christ makes me whole.

From the bondage I am freed,

Freedom reigns

Social Media Links:

Levy Mutasa Attached website: Here

Levy Mutasa Attached Facebook: Here

Levy Mutasa Attached Twitter: Here

Levy Mutasa Attached Instagram: Here

Levy Mutasa Attached AllAuthor: Here

The Heavens Gate- Amazon: Here

Zambia- Waterfall

James George Osayande "Hero"

James George Osayande "Hero" is a teacher, ministry worker and Christian writer from Nigeria. He has two main writing works in progress, Your Journey with God and a compilation of devotions as written in his blog, This Chariot.

James has a passion to see people understand and be balanced in both the Word of God and their relationship with God. He uses his writings as inspired by the Holy Spirit to minister through teachings. Walking Through the Word Devotional (WTTW Devotional) is a 365-day exercise in the Word of God where James takes you through some very poignant topics found in scripture. In his daily commitment spanning a year, you receive a direct word from God's heart to yours. Whether you call it a Bible study, a compendium of teachings, a devotional, James will walk you through verses by sharing his personal testimony along with the testimonies of others to enlighten you, equip you, strengthen your faith, give you hope and help you to run your Christian race well. An E-book version will be made available for download upon publication of the final post on 365th day on James's blog, This Chariot.

Devotional section of This Chariot: Here

Your Journey with God, a Spiritual Guide

In a world where lies are being peddled as truth and where everyone is so busy even for themselves, there is a rising cry to know what truly is important in life and what is not. This is beyond just knowing about purpose but also going even further to know where purpose comes from and what our business is with it. Your Journey with God takes you through 7 core ingredients per chapter that will help you:

  1. Discover your origin in God as the beginning of a beautiful journey called “Your life”.

  2. Understand why you must build and strengthen a relationship with God.

  3. Learn how to build yourself up and start walking in certain heavenly graces upon the earth, thereby living a life with a purpose.

  4. Know how to build lasting and loyal relationships with all people, either as a leader or as a follower.

  5. Define your eternity. This book is a compilation of divine revelations and lessons learned over a ten-year period. Be assured, you will find a word from God’s heart to yours. Pick up this book to learn how to navigate this journey with God on your side!

On the home front in Nigeria...

Well, it is actually a very trying time both for my country, Nigeria, and the rest of the world. With the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) appearance on the scene, everyone is caught unaware by this strange epidemic. It’s been from one drama to another. Flights to/from other parts of the world have been restricted until the pandemic is contained. Markets, schools, hotels, church and all religious centers, as well as social gatherings/occasions have been suspended until further notice too.

Coming from a very religious country, people are contemplating a lot of things from End Times to government corruption to conspiracies, everything their fears can cook up. Now you can just walk out the door in the morning and only see a few people or even no one on the streets. The government, in trying to contain the pandemic, besides instructing the people to keep social distancing and hygiene, has asked everyone to stay at home. I believe that’s also what other countries are doing too.

Although, it is not convenient, people just have to stay at home, pray and believe God that this storm passes. It isn’t easy, especially for those who have to scrape by with children and family responsibilities. However, we are learning to make the most of this situation as many people now work from home, reconnect with family, build gaps, make new plans, strengthen their faith in God that was otherwise falling apart before now, and pursue new hobbies/disciplines like reading new books, taking online courses, learning new arts, and lots more.

I, for one, am using this period to work with my publisher to finish my first book to have the electronic format ready and available in a short time. I also just recently relocated to a larger city, a whole new start for me. It hasn’t been easy settling down, especially with this pandemic, getting a job, doing ministry and helping the family out has hit an all-time high for me. I just pray this goes away soon, so that I can make some headway. I’m also having a lot of time to counsel, write, take personal prayer retreats, return emails, attend masterclasses online and read. Otherwise, I’m sleeping my eyes out.

Everything is great. Life is good. God is faithful, and we will be victorious and come out strong at the end of this through Christ Jesus. Yes, with the active cases in the entire country not up to 100 yet which are being taken care of and discharged, we are hopeful that in a few weeks, we will be free of this global crisis once and for all. For me, this is a tale for the next generation to come that we survived the silent world war and lived to tell the story.

Northern Nigeria- Yankari Game Reserve, Bauchi State


8 commentaires

Maria T. Henriksen
Maria T. Henriksen
27 mai 2020

Levy, James has a great daily blog.


27 mai 2020

This is awesome, Maria. And i took time to view and follow James' website. Thanks for the global connection, Blessings!


Pastor James George
Pastor James George
14 avr. 2020

Amen. We are doing this together, establishing God's purpose on earth in our time and hereafter.


Maria T. Henriksen
Maria T. Henriksen
14 avr. 2020

James, Thank you for allowing me to share your life, books... I wish you well in the publication of both your books. Keep us posted.


Pastor James George
Pastor James George
14 avr. 2020

This is a very inspiring piece, Maria. The great value in Global Connections, we so need one another to keep going. I'm so proud of my partner, Brother Levy, what God has started in you shall be perfected in Jesus name, amen. I loved his poem, o the great freedom we have in Jesus Christ. Easter reminds us of this. Once again, thanks for this feature, mentor, blessings!

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