Here is a schedule for my upcoming events. In each of these events I will be doing an Author Takeover. That means I will takeover the Facebook group during the allotted time and will discuss my authorship and novel, Not Again for an opportunity for group members to win an ebook of Not Again. 📙📲 Participation is required to be entered to win the book. 💬
Please join me in these awesome Facebook groups for GAMES 🃏 and GIVEAWAYS📚‼
🎉 1) Saturday, March 14 @ 2- 2:30pm (half hour) EST.
High Society Book Club 🏙 group:

🎉 2) Tuesday, March 17, St. Patrick's Day 🍀🌈💰 @ 8-9pm (1 hour) EST.
Read More Books - Tina Hogan Grant's Readers' Group:

🎉 3) Thursday, April 2 @ 7 - 9pm (2 hours) EST.
Celebrate Spring Author Party 🎈🦋🌹🌷 special event hosted in Into the Light Fiction Event Page:

Facebook, nor any other entity other than yours truly, is responsible for my GIVEAWAY in any of these events.
Maria,You're welcome! You know you always have my support dear friend!
Lori, I'm so glad you will be joining me! It wouldn't be the same without you! 💜
I will be there to support you at these times